recently asked me my long-time friend Harry from the villa's country, some travel reports for the Villa write, and over time further reports of my visits to various countries to publish in the world. They appear on this page. I hope that these reports meet the reader's interest, for they shall go into more depth than do normal tourist trip reports. To give you a brief background, I have seen during my time as a paratrooper in the British army and with the help of the old links from the British Empire, the British bases in the world. We traveled often. Only one major drawback was that our journeys often led to conflict areas, which was very dangerous, but at least the trip was free. Since leaving the Army after a parachute accident, I have traveled the world almost constantly and not only visited places easily, but lived in different countries, sometimes for months or even years. Of course there which has a completely different insight into the different countries and different cultures, as they may have tourists, where only a stay of two weeks or less available. It is not always a positive experience that you do, because sometimes you experienced things that a tourist will not experience and these experiences are of quite unpleasant. Some of the countries covered in the next, you learn not really know when you walk on the general tourist paths. But these are particularly and really only interesting for people with a sense of adventure! So you replaced completely different views and a picture of places - not only of beautiful things - but that should not deter you from visiting! It is unlikely that you happen to such experiences, if only for a short visit to the country staying in tourist resorts. But my experience may help, should things may go wrong! When we speak of the beautiful things, and because it is of course one of the advantages of travel, that meet some of the most beautiful boys that the world offers can. I can say without doubt that I have encountered in my travels boys, of which one can only dream! I will attach a few photos of some of the boys I met, the country reports.
Depending upon where you travel and which countries you visit, it is also a beautiful experience, that the obsession with "youth culture" of the West in some countries is not widespread. The boys are much more friendly and not look up at an angle because you're a bit old and not as slim as before, or ...... Of course you can not deny that this natural behavior is sometimes due to financial reasons, some of the boys are in desperate circumstances, but in general, a knowledge and an ongoing contact a positive experience can be for both, provided that each encounter with mutual respect and respect, which unfortunately is not always the case. I will try to draw a picture as accurate as possible, if you once visit into one of these places. Of course you can not do all the things that I have seen since the majority of people only have time for short visits that bring more limited experience, but you get a general picture of what is expected!
Every reader must be aware that these reports originated from my personal perspective, and the preferences of others are quite different. Some have a different view of things, or may even be offended by some of my remarks. But such is life! As the old saying goes - you can not do all the good people at a time ...........
Everything has its time for some general travel tips, please click here
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