Friday, October 29, 2010

Armani Vs Zegna Suits

Calleria and birthday in Pucallpa

Monday to Wednesday I spent with Jojo Calleria. Given the short time I was this time not as deep in the life there. The short trip was mainly the effect that Jojo once gets to know a Shipibo Comunidad. We arrived back at Richards Parents and spent time while spinning free nights, but we shared the house but with all the more rats. We were abundant at every meal cooked by Richard's sister and is the entire family came very close. So much so that we are on the way back in the Peke Peke Richard's father asked if we wanted to be the sponsored children of his wife. We agreed and were baptized immediately on the boat with river water. Now we have a "family" in Calleria and they can always come visit when we want. I personally know yet exactly what to make of it. All gringos who have crossed into one of the Shipibo AIDER Comunidades are far become godparents or godchildren. It will Show the next trip to Calleria whether the interest is really me and our friendship, or if I only count as a potential buyer Artesania. My feeling, however, that the relationship is even more profound than just a commercial nature. To mention

of this trip is that we are again on Tuesday morning on the Chacra, the Plantation of Richard's family have gone. There grow many tropical plants, especially huge banana trees. We have plenty of bananas harvested and after the Shipibo tradition with a dried banana leaf, which is tied to a ring and be hanged with the help of the shrubs around the front, transported to the boat. The weight that the usually much smaller Shipibos take so incredible. It is striking that overall, the Comuneros are by working extremely hard in nature and few problems have to carry the heaviest loads long distances.

Another highlight of our trip was a Comunidad-internal soccer game. There were the adults in my support to the students of the Secundaria. Both the teams had their own set of jersey, there was even a referee and to the wide-field turf to many spectators had gathered. After looking at half time with a 4 to 1 lead in security already felt it was after 5 to 5 just before the end of the game again very Exciting. Fortunately, we shot in the last minute facilitating the 6 to 5 I brought the game much fun, although I must admit that I'm dealing with the playing of Comuneros was not as good. To this was added that was before I went with Jojo about 2 hours through the forest and that the sun this afternoon again with all the force from the sky on fire. Overall, my team so I was especially in the second half, not much more support. As I said, it has nevertheless brought fun and I had to just under 3 months, finally again the opportunity to take a real football game.

addition to these activities, I completed a few small jobs for the waste project. I counted the houses and the existing trash can, to use in my GPS unit that Jojo had brought me from Germany, a map and pointed the Comunidad been to Richard's family in the possibilities of composting.

was total, the trip to Calleria complete success and I have all the more want to go back to spend a longer time there. Well yesterday was

also 28.10. So my 20th Birthday. I had told him in advance Erlich almost forgotten, but must say that I still had a very nice day. I was greeted in the morning with a breakfast that had been prepared by my roommate. It was delicious rolls with sausage and cheese - sausage and cheese are absolute luxury for us here - and an excellent mango-papaya-passion fruit juice that was served to me in my gift, a new juice mixer. Jojo has handed me her gift, and my "Ali Birthday Box". The box was really great! I thank you for that! After I've unpacked Lea's gift for me alone, we went to work. There is of course no one knew about my birthday. As the day came more and more people at my congratulations to me. The work offered little spectacular, womal I am currently about my work anyway, are on a low mood. But for another reality check. In the evening I drove together with Melanie to our home, where the girls were already busy on preparing for a nice little Geburtstagszusammensein. There was Alex, the husband Daniel, past and together we ate pizza and drank Pina Collada from the juice mixer. Nora and Amelie had baked me on their work nor a super delicious birthday cake, which was then used immediately for our typical family Kerzenausblas photo. Laszlo gave me another mini inflatable giraffe, which I will try at the next opportunity in the pool of AIDER. By 1 clock much I was dead tired in bed and look back on a beautiful day, the yet full of surprises and I have made my roommate really very nice. Thank you!

Now I want to say a few words to my feeling low just mentioned. My problem is that I very often a whole day sitting in the office and had nothing to do. I have no real role in AIDER and I have the feeling you do not really who and what I am at all and what to do with me. What is more, I usually sit alone in my office and I am so isolated from events in the office as much as possible. The only bright spot, the waste project stagnated for some time now and I still do not feel that I should realize it heruas from an interest of AIDER. I have no concrete evidence here. I must admit that I me through this situation so much influence even admit that I am often discouraged me a job search. To solve my problem and let me create a perspective in AIDER, I now have a conversation with Manuel agreed. He was until now the only person in AIDER that I have, mainly in my first month, given specific tasks. I too would use the visit by our coordinator at the weekend to go with her a few words. I hope that I can so improve also in dialogue with the head of AIDER my spirits again, and that I can put an end to my current perspective.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

How Can I Use My 7610 Like A Webcam

burst water pipe, waste and visitors from Germany and Pueblo Nuevo

When I hope in my short trip to the Comunidad entered my room, I had to admit that had changed in the days of my absence, unfortunately, very little. The bathroom was still half finished and still half the living room was in the middle of the room. Slowly, I was annoyed by this situation real. I waited mitlerweile barely a month to my room. So I decided, even though I really just wanted to lie in a soft and comfortable bed, take the site into their own hands. On the same evening we managed to make the living room ready and set up. I could finally clear up my room. But that was where the real work is just beginning. I decided to paint the walls and I had a light switch and a power folding. So I was working all night and all day Sunday. When I finished pulizie Sunday evening, I was finally able to sleep the first night in a real room. It was really very pleasant, although I have to make do with the old saggy mattress had.

The next morning, I noticed that the floor in the bathroom was wet. Inwardly, I feared the worst, but I had the first rain to the fact that I had forgotten the day before while cleaning some more water on the floor. When I came home from work the evening, the fear was a certainty. Somewhere under the sink, a water pipe, was made here in Pucallpa Plastic are broken. I was on my nerves once over. Inwardly, I painted my already torn out a wall and a total dusty room. So I decided to freely take me to tomorrow morning. I did not want that construction workers were working without my supervision in my room. It is simply gone too far on this site dirty and broken.

came so the next morning by a worker and together we have found the problem pretty quickly and fixed. The workers had screwed two water pipes so tight that one of the two is at the seam split open, allowing water easily lost. In the following days, I made my shelf ready and got me a really techy comfortable mattress. My room is finally finished and I now feel in my new home really arrived.

garbage with me right now in Pucallpa daily. Because I am currently busy at work with him, he drops me in the streets on very different. It's really unbelievable how much trash lying around in Pucallpa and how much more valuable waste is not simply used. On Tuesday I went with Melanie first major to a recycling center. Here, PET bottles, scrap metal, plastic and bought PEAD old shoes and then transported to Lima. The ability to sell garbage, but many Pucallpinern not even aware of. The rising prices for recyclable waste, however, show that this industry in Peru is currently growing and gaining in importance. For us, the recycling center a positive example of sustainable and environmentally sound waste management.

the PET bottles are sorted by color and then shredded

PET bottles have now become a real commodity

Then we drove to the dump of Pucallpa. Of 22 Kilmoeter the quick road to Lima was an approximately 4-kilometer dirt road off. On the highway itself is only a small sign stood with the inscription: "Here is the landfill of Pucallpa. A landfill means that the waste is deposited controlled and orderly. The fact that I had already seen on the internet the same information with a date of 2005, had already guessed that this landfill would be anything but controlled and orderly. When we arrived at the landfill, or at the dump, all expectations were based made. It was disgusting, even worse than we had imagined. The garbage of the city of Pucallpa is here thrown indiscriminately on a massive area in nature. Everywhere black Geihs to see, search the trash for food. In the air, the stench of rotting waste mixed with the smoke of the fire, the flare up everywhere. The damage that is inflicted here, man and nature is enormous. The fact that seems to have changed anything here for 5 years shows me that no one feels responsible for the waste problem. Rather, I believe this problem to todgeschwiegen. The dump are as I said over 22 kilometers, far remote from the city ...

speak these images for themselves ...

expected visitors from Germany and I are the same in duplicate. On Thursday night I get Jojo from the airport. With it, I will spend nine days here in Pucallpa and from Monday to Wednesday in Calleria. Also come on Friday, 29.10., Our coordinator from Lima with her daughter and the weltwärts head of the DED to us from Germany to Pucallpa. Why us of 850 volunteers around the world have the honor to be visited by the head, then hopefully we will know well. It is currently so much going on in Pucallpa, so my blog is sometimes a bit too short. However, I hope that I you my impressions nonetheless can mediate sufficient.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Baby Message Congratulations


went on Monday afternoon, for me the second time in a Shipibo Comunidad. Together with the engineers Eder AIDER we first went with the Moto Taxi to the Port of Pucallpa. Our goal was Curiaca. Curiaca is compared to Callería slightly larger and lies upstream. In the port some 25 meters long and 4 meters wide, packed full of pretty boats were moored. We opted for the "Adonay." In the passenger cabin, which lasted for the entire length of the boat was already a hammock next to the gereit. I could happily still in the back, right next to the huge and stinking Chinese Engine to squeeze between two other hammocks. Below me a lot of cargo was stowed. These boats are called, the Colectivo, is apparently transported all that anyone needs somewhere in the Amazon now. Between papaya and rice sacks, banana trees and 3-liter Coca Cola bottles and lots of other cargo, time and again the crowing of chickens could be heard.

Eder was not as lucky as me. He had the entire trip sitting on the benches on the side. This must be said that it was on this trip not by 6 hours after Calleria acted like, but a full 24 hours. Upstream we came against the strong current is slow and every small Port was halted for passengers and cargo to unload on or off.

The trip was very adventurous. Since I had stowed away unfortunately my blanket and my long clothes in my bag, which was somewhere in the boat, but unfortunately not with me, I froze a little at the rather cool night temperatures on the flow.

came at 3 clock the next afternoon we came in Curiaca. Curiaca lies in a small ravine, the Caco means. Quebrada has a different shape of a river, but the fact that it has no source, but their water from the river into which it flows, in this case, the Ucayali, refers. We started right on with our work because we are back on Friday travel to Pucallpa and still another Comunidad, Pueblo Nuevo, wanted to pay a visit. Our task for the next few days was to bring in data for a craft project and plan for two with the loggers a tree census and mapping in the forest.

the Quebrada "Caco"

road Curiaca - there are no cars and the lights are turned on only for festivities, because the fuel for the generator is expensive

typical houses

be here on a megaphone day and night, the news announced in Curiaca

The craft project aims, the marketing of different products to promote and encourage among the different Comunidades healthy competition and cooperation. Eder had a stack of questionnaires it. So we went from house to house, and filled by using Silverio, another AIDER technician who was already on site and help us with language barriers (was the common language in the comunidades is Shipibo - although English is also taught in the school and also spoken by many people, but especially the older women have their problems), the questionnaires. I should document with my camera and photograph the different products.

signature for the arts and crafts project

Pottery with Shipibo pattern

from these seeds bracelets made

The planning of the tree census was the fact that Eder convened a meeting. There were indeed some men there, but I think they seemed uninterested in what Eder said. I'm curious if Eder's plan to go in early November with the men for 7 days in the forest and count trees, is put into action.

So passed 3 days in Curiaca and I had much less time than participate in the life of the Calleria Comuneros and come with them into the conversation. That was a pity, but one must remember that we are driven to abeiten after Curiaca. The only real contact I had with the Comuneros was with Alexander, the 12 year-old son of the President of the Lumberjack Committee. He was very intelligent. It has really brought pleasure to talk with him, bathe in the river (or quebrada) and to seek wild fruits. For the waste project I finally took some pics in Curiaca. It was frightening to see how much trash has accumulated already in the bushes behind the houses. Curiaca, unlike Calleria yet not a single trash can, but through the regular public colectivos a much more intensive use of waste-producing products such as biscuits, soft drinks and cans. That there is a need, is beyond question. If the project is put into action, I will certainly go back to Curiaca and will hopefully learn some more of these Comunidad.

behind the romantic thatched houses Comunidad sees it all too often so unromantic from

Thus passed it on Thursday afternoon then to Pueblo Nuevo. We decided to walk to go because I wanted to learn something from the forest. On the one-hour route down already after 5 minutes, the strap of my 6-Sol Wini Poo bag. It was extremely exhausting the estimated 15 kilograms on the shoulders and head in 35 degree heat to maneuver between the dense undergrowth. To make matters worse, the GPS device led us also pass our goal. Thus we reached only after one and a half hours through sweaty Pueblo Nuevo. This differs from the Comunidad size is not much of her Curiaca. It is also on the Caco Quebrada. In Zenturm is the football field, around which residential buildings and all major buildings such as schools and Holzwirtschaftrsbüro in which we group spent the night. In Pueblo Nuevo, we had everything we had done in Curiaca create in just 24 hours. Maintains it I learned from this Comunidad know even less.

football field in Pueblo Nuevo

is cooked on the stove

On Friday afternoon we drove to a Peke Peke of Pueblo Nuevo to the landing of Adonay. It has sold us, unfortunately, instead of gasoline petroleum. In a Action hetzigen We had to empty out the engine and quickly get gasoline. If we had missed the Adonay, we would have 2 more days in Pueblo Nuevo or Curiaca spend what we in the light that all our food supplies were already depleted, as not very nice appeared. Finally we arrived at the pier, and were relieved that the Adonay had not yet arrived. We had to wait even 2 hours - here in the Amazonia, the world runs simply ezwas otherwise - to the colorful boat finally showed up. The return trip was similar to the outward journey. On the boat were significantly fewer passengers, but there have been 2000 feet Shihuahuaco, an extremely hard and heavy timber, loaded. To cope with the heavy load will not aground on sand banks and a fear of raids, we spent the night in a small harbor, so the return trip, although the boat moves downstream much faster, also 24 hours long. I had a rather interesting conversation with an Argentine who had taken part in the rain forest at an ayahuasca ceremony (Ayahuasca is a natural drug that is bewonnen from a specific Liana - you should probably get hallucinations) and then spent a more or less relaxing river trip . So I arrived on Saturday afternoon after only 6 days later at home in Pucallpa.

Merry Orthodox Christmas Card

Tingo Maria

I have finally managed to visit to Tingo Maria. After the cocaleros my plan had been made several times in vain, it was on Friday, 08.10.2010, together with the other 4 DED Weltwärts learning on the 8-hour bus trip. The trip was initially not very spectacular, since up Aguaytia, 180 miles from Pucallpa, largely dominated secondary forests and pastures of the landscape. After Aguaytia but the horizon appeared the silhouette of the Cordillera Azul, the blue mountain chain. For me it was a very nice feeling after a year of anticipated return to the foothills of the Andes, the impressive mountains. Through a spectacular gorge, the Boqueron del Padre Abad de led us to Road continues upwards. The almost vertical and approximately 500 meter high mountain walls beside the road was overgrown by tropical vegetation and over waterfalls crashed just off the road into the depths and found their way into the raging river. The Boqueron del Padre de Abad is a really impressive landscape, which I will pay it will soon provide a more detailed one weekend visit.

The road continues up to a 1600-meter pass from there on it was all downhill - luckily the bus and its brakes were in an acceptable state - up to Tingo Maria. Tingo Maria is among several forested Mountains in a small valley. One of the attractions of this city is a mountain, "La Bella Durmiente," reminiscent of a "sleeping beauty". The far-going primary rain forest has many experiences of nature and the Kilma is due to the higher position even more comfortable than in Pucallpa.

the sleeping beauty

Tingo's main street

Arrived in Tingo Maria, we went up onto Hostel Search. On the main road in the center then we met by chance two "Gringas. They walked past us first, but then turned around and said to us in German. There were Judith and Frank, two Weltwärtslerinnen the organization "Ecoselva. We have already the second time - happened to meet German Weltwärtsler - the first time was at the Oktoberfest in Pucallpa. Weltwärtsler the world is really small :-) After a 7 then Sol 50 (1.80 €) Hostel for you, we went a bit through the streets Tingos.

On Saturday we visited the Parque Nacional de Tingo Maria. " Here we walked a couple of hours through the tropical mountain rain forest and stopped at two waterfalls, a swim. The National Park was quite small, however, it slightly frequented. We met on the hike only one other person on the road. The landscape served almost all rain forest clichés. Of colorful birds on leaf-cutter ants to giant forest giants were here to see everything. In the evening there was food on the market of Tingo and a cold beer in a bar

On Sunday we went by 6 clock in the morning on the "Cueva de las Lechuzas. This cave appears in all guides related to Tingo Maria. I was a bit disappointed as we already after 3 minutes, the end of the tour had reached through the cave. Although we have seen the cry every morning and Krächzkonzertes the bird in the cave, but to our eyes, we got them only vaguely, as my torch was not strong enough. Afternoon we went to Andi, a Peruvian friend of Judith and Frank, the "Laguna de los Milagros" - Lagoon of Miracles. As the rainy season has not used properly, these miracles lagoon was more of a miracle mud hole. Swimming but still was fun.


For me it was Sunday we again say goodbye to Tingo Maria. Monday I'm expecting my second trip in one of the Shipibo Comunidades. But I still had to pack my stuff and food shopping. After a 4 hour ride with a fairly rapid minivan I came back in Pucallpa. Tingo Maria is a city that are worth visiting. I take a lot of impressions and images of the mountain rain forest with this trip. But now I had for at least half a day, the bustling jungle town - back - Pucallpa. Slowly, I feel a little better than here at home!

Sunday, October 17, 2010

How To Use Vga Switch Card

Uniform armored cocoon

25/10/2010: An evening with film and text to the left hate Israel

Hamburg premiere of "uniforms, tanks, cocoon - Military service in Israel" (D . 2009, R.: Nina Bittcher and Jean-Philippe Baeck)

than in any other country in the world is threatening the life of Israel in permanent and often armed conflict with neighboring countries. This film shows the consequences for young Israeli and Israelis: the military service required by the confrontation with great responsibility, violence and death of the young people mostly to an abrupt adulthood. Four young Israelis review their experience of active engagement and reflect the relationship between the military and their civilian lives. The film gives insight into the complex, sometimes ambivalent view of Israelis interviewed in this formative time of their lives. He goes to the question of what it actually means to live in a country where Military service is a given.
! Movies:

Following there is opportunity for discussion with the director.

will be in stock on the same evening, the first time the brochure "Welcome to the province", an exploration of the alliance with the violent anti-Semitism in the Hamburg left by the left and its toleration mainstream. The text was written in response to the militants blocked the presentation of Lanzmann's film "Why Israel" on 25/10/2009.
Who then read more on good music, discuss, want to drink is welcome to attend!

cinema Candlemas, Gaußstr. 25, Hamburg
Monday, 25/10/2010, Start: 19:30 clock. Open Door from 19 clock.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Where Does Nerve Tumor Develops

My home

Now I've lived a good three weeks together with Nora, Amelia, and Liza at Laszlo Techy. The reconstruction, which was supposed to go so soon, has now somewhat elongated. So we live right now more or less comfortable on a construction site. The kitchen appliances are temporarily on the floor, my room is right now looks even more like a dust hole, the new living room or as a prison and in the middle is Kira, the crazy little dogs Techy, around, eating on the cement and uses every opportunity to street to escape, something that we will always mean a huge search operation.

My room - at the wall is my shelf - it still lacks a surface treatment ... right now I vacillate between paint and oil

Our new living room

live here the other 4

My room from outside

Our kitchen

... There

Many new otherwise nciht to report from me. The garbage project is making little progress and after a little cooling on Sunday it is back super hot here. But the weekend and next week verprechen be exciting. It goes tomorrow with the 4 other volunteers to Tingo Maria and I drive on Monatg Eder, a technician from AIDER, removed in 24 hours by boat Comunidad. I will report as soon as possible!