Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Baby Message Congratulations


went on Monday afternoon, for me the second time in a Shipibo Comunidad. Together with the engineers Eder AIDER we first went with the Moto Taxi to the Port of Pucallpa. Our goal was Curiaca. Curiaca is compared to Callería slightly larger and lies upstream. In the port some 25 meters long and 4 meters wide, packed full of pretty boats were moored. We opted for the "Adonay." In the passenger cabin, which lasted for the entire length of the boat was already a hammock next to the gereit. I could happily still in the back, right next to the huge and stinking Chinese Engine to squeeze between two other hammocks. Below me a lot of cargo was stowed. These boats are called, the Colectivo, is apparently transported all that anyone needs somewhere in the Amazon now. Between papaya and rice sacks, banana trees and 3-liter Coca Cola bottles and lots of other cargo, time and again the crowing of chickens could be heard.

Eder was not as lucky as me. He had the entire trip sitting on the benches on the side. This must be said that it was on this trip not by 6 hours after Calleria acted like, but a full 24 hours. Upstream we came against the strong current is slow and every small Port was halted for passengers and cargo to unload on or off.

The trip was very adventurous. Since I had stowed away unfortunately my blanket and my long clothes in my bag, which was somewhere in the boat, but unfortunately not with me, I froze a little at the rather cool night temperatures on the flow.

came at 3 clock the next afternoon we came in Curiaca. Curiaca lies in a small ravine, the Caco means. Quebrada has a different shape of a river, but the fact that it has no source, but their water from the river into which it flows, in this case, the Ucayali, refers. We started right on with our work because we are back on Friday travel to Pucallpa and still another Comunidad, Pueblo Nuevo, wanted to pay a visit. Our task for the next few days was to bring in data for a craft project and plan for two with the loggers a tree census and mapping in the forest.

the Quebrada "Caco"

road Curiaca - there are no cars and the lights are turned on only for festivities, because the fuel for the generator is expensive

typical houses

be here on a megaphone day and night, the news announced in Curiaca

The craft project aims, the marketing of different products to promote and encourage among the different Comunidades healthy competition and cooperation. Eder had a stack of questionnaires it. So we went from house to house, and filled by using Silverio, another AIDER technician who was already on site and help us with language barriers (was the common language in the comunidades is Shipibo - although English is also taught in the school and also spoken by many people, but especially the older women have their problems), the questionnaires. I should document with my camera and photograph the different products.

signature for the arts and crafts project

Pottery with Shipibo pattern

from these seeds bracelets made

The planning of the tree census was the fact that Eder convened a meeting. There were indeed some men there, but I think they seemed uninterested in what Eder said. I'm curious if Eder's plan to go in early November with the men for 7 days in the forest and count trees, is put into action.

So passed 3 days in Curiaca and I had much less time than participate in the life of the Calleria Comuneros and come with them into the conversation. That was a pity, but one must remember that we are driven to abeiten after Curiaca. The only real contact I had with the Comuneros was with Alexander, the 12 year-old son of the President of the Lumberjack Committee. He was very intelligent. It has really brought pleasure to talk with him, bathe in the river (or quebrada) and to seek wild fruits. For the waste project I finally took some pics in Curiaca. It was frightening to see how much trash has accumulated already in the bushes behind the houses. Curiaca, unlike Calleria yet not a single trash can, but through the regular public colectivos a much more intensive use of waste-producing products such as biscuits, soft drinks and cans. That there is a need, is beyond question. If the project is put into action, I will certainly go back to Curiaca and will hopefully learn some more of these Comunidad.

behind the romantic thatched houses Comunidad sees it all too often so unromantic from

Thus passed it on Thursday afternoon then to Pueblo Nuevo. We decided to walk to go because I wanted to learn something from the forest. On the one-hour route down already after 5 minutes, the strap of my 6-Sol Wini Poo bag. It was extremely exhausting the estimated 15 kilograms on the shoulders and head in 35 degree heat to maneuver between the dense undergrowth. To make matters worse, the GPS device led us also pass our goal. Thus we reached only after one and a half hours through sweaty Pueblo Nuevo. This differs from the Comunidad size is not much of her Curiaca. It is also on the Caco Quebrada. In Zenturm is the football field, around which residential buildings and all major buildings such as schools and Holzwirtschaftrsbüro in which we group spent the night. In Pueblo Nuevo, we had everything we had done in Curiaca create in just 24 hours. Maintains it I learned from this Comunidad know even less.

football field in Pueblo Nuevo

is cooked on the stove

On Friday afternoon we drove to a Peke Peke of Pueblo Nuevo to the landing of Adonay. It has sold us, unfortunately, instead of gasoline petroleum. In a Action hetzigen We had to empty out the engine and quickly get gasoline. If we had missed the Adonay, we would have 2 more days in Pueblo Nuevo or Curiaca spend what we in the light that all our food supplies were already depleted, as not very nice appeared. Finally we arrived at the pier, and were relieved that the Adonay had not yet arrived. We had to wait even 2 hours - here in the Amazonia, the world runs simply ezwas otherwise - to the colorful boat finally showed up. The return trip was similar to the outward journey. On the boat were significantly fewer passengers, but there have been 2000 feet Shihuahuaco, an extremely hard and heavy timber, loaded. To cope with the heavy load will not aground on sand banks and a fear of raids, we spent the night in a small harbor, so the return trip, although the boat moves downstream much faster, also 24 hours long. I had a rather interesting conversation with an Argentine who had taken part in the rain forest at an ayahuasca ceremony (Ayahuasca is a natural drug that is bewonnen from a specific Liana - you should probably get hallucinations) and then spent a more or less relaxing river trip . So I arrived on Saturday afternoon after only 6 days later at home in Pucallpa.


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