When I hope in my short trip to the Comunidad entered my room, I had to admit that had changed in the days of my absence, unfortunately, very little. The bathroom was still half finished and still half the living room was in the middle of the room. Slowly, I was annoyed by this situation real. I waited mitlerweile barely a month to my room. So I decided, even though I really just wanted to lie in a soft and comfortable bed, take the site into their own hands. On the same evening we managed to make the living room ready and set up. I could finally clear up my room. But that was where the real work is just beginning. I decided to paint the walls and I had a light switch and a power folding. So I was working all night and all day Sunday. When I finished pulizie Sunday evening, I was finally able to sleep the first night in a real room. It was really very pleasant, although I have to make do with the old saggy mattress had.
The next morning, I noticed that the floor in the bathroom was wet. Inwardly, I feared the worst, but I had the first rain to the fact that I had forgotten the day before while cleaning some more water on the floor. When I came home from work the evening, the fear was a certainty. Somewhere under the sink, a water pipe, was made here in Pucallpa Plastic are broken. I was on my nerves once over. Inwardly, I painted my already torn out a wall and a total dusty room. So I decided to freely take me to tomorrow morning. I did not want that construction workers were working without my supervision in my room. It is simply gone too far on this site dirty and broken.
came so the next morning by a worker and together we have found the problem pretty quickly and fixed. The workers had screwed two water pipes so tight that one of the two is at the seam split open, allowing water easily lost. In the following days, I made my shelf ready and got me a really techy comfortable mattress. My room is finally finished and I now feel in my new home really arrived.
garbage with me right now in Pucallpa daily. Because I am currently busy at work with him, he drops me in the streets on very different. It's really unbelievable how much trash lying around in Pucallpa and how much more valuable waste is not simply used. On Tuesday I went with Melanie first major to a recycling center. Here, PET bottles, scrap metal, plastic and bought PEAD old shoes and then transported to Lima. The ability to sell garbage, but many Pucallpinern not even aware of. The rising prices for recyclable waste, however, show that this industry in Peru is currently growing and gaining in importance. For us, the recycling center a positive example of sustainable and environmentally sound waste management.
Then we drove to the dump of Pucallpa. Of 22 Kilmoeter the quick road to Lima was an approximately 4-kilometer dirt road off. On the highway itself is only a small sign stood with the inscription: "Here is the landfill of Pucallpa. A landfill means that the waste is deposited controlled and orderly. The fact that I had already seen on the internet the same information with a date of 2005, had already guessed that this landfill would be anything but controlled and orderly. When we arrived at the landfill, or at the dump, all expectations were based made. It was disgusting, even worse than we had imagined. The garbage of the city of Pucallpa is here thrown indiscriminately on a massive area in nature. Everywhere black Geihs to see, search the trash for food. In the air, the stench of rotting waste mixed with the smoke of the fire, the flare up everywhere. The damage that is inflicted here, man and nature is enormous. The fact that seems to have changed anything here for 5 years shows me that no one feels responsible for the waste problem. Rather, I believe this problem to todgeschwiegen. The dump are as I said over 22 kilometers, far remote from the city ...
expected visitors from Germany and I are the same in duplicate. On Thursday night I get Jojo from the airport. With it, I will spend nine days here in Pucallpa and from Monday to Wednesday in Calleria. Also come on Friday, 29.10., Our coordinator from Lima with her daughter and the weltwärts head of the DED to us from Germany to Pucallpa. Why us of 850 volunteers around the world have the honor to be visited by the head, then hopefully we will know well. It is currently so much going on in Pucallpa, so my blog is sometimes a bit too short. However, I hope that I you my impressions nonetheless can mediate sufficient.
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