Monday, December 14, 2009
Cost Of Rebuilding A Home In Canada
Around 500 people demonstrated today in Hamburg against anti-Semitic attacks. Occasion of the demonstration, the screening of the film "Why was Israel" (1973, directed by Claude Lanzmann) in the b-movie cinema. The first screening of the film was on 25 October violently anti-Israel Left was unable to score with film as "fags" and "Jewish pigs" have been abused.
The protesters - including many supporters from other cities - attracted to the hill district to the Pauline Court, within sight of the b-movie. There were about 40 people from around the blocker interior of 25.10., Formed mainly members of the "International Centre B5".
"The success of the demonstration was that today, unlike in October, the film 'Why is Israel' could be shown - despite the deployment of new anti-Semites before the b-movie," said Andreas Benl, spokesman calling Alliance. It has become clear that without the support of the demonstrators a repeat of the anti-Semitic attacks would have been excluded. Beni: "The police had assured in advance that the safe access to the cinema will be safe for guests. Indeed, the Israel-haters could form a cordon in front of the entrance of the cinema. Who wanted to see the film, was bepöbelt not only photographed but also systematically. Going to the cinema was like for the audience a gauntlet -. While the police watched idly "Only after strong protest the demonstration, the police management had been willing to guide interested visitors as a group to ensure the cinema.
speakers made clear demonstration that the enforcement of the film is only a first step could be. The goal should rather be to anti-Semitic incitement and violence, such as that emitted by the "International Centre B5" to prevent in the future.
Sunday, December 13, 2009
Congratulation Engaged
Why Israel. The film with the title not a question mark. He could also "why Israel" hot, because it shows from various Jewish perspectives reasons for Israel as a sovereign state. The question mark is at a different location, on the question of whether there can be a norm in Israel and how it looks. The film goes on a quest for answers. Or better: With cinematic means looking Claude Lanzmann for answers.
Born in 1925, the son of assimilated Jews in Paris, Lanzmann fought in the Resistance against the Germans. After the war he studied philosophy in Tübingen. Before he published as an associate of Simone de Beauvoir and Jean Paul Sartre, the philosophical journal » Les Temps Modernes " with, he taught at the Free University of Berlin. The late 40s, he wrote reports of East Germany or the GDR, which he secretly crossed the border. In an interview, Lanzmann: "Back in France, I have a series of 10 articles written, which I sent to Le Monde, without knowing anyone. Three days later they wanted to have replied me that they publish my report entitled Germany behind the Iron Curtain. I liked that well and so I went to Israel with the idea to repeat it. "But the report was never written. Too personal and too intimate were his impressions on the first trip to Israel in 1952 when they were fitted to the objective standard of a story.
In Israel learned Lanzmann a Jewish culture and Jewish world know, covers, which he did not know until then. Twenty years later, Claude Lanzmann undertook a new attempt to approach the many questions. What is Jewish identity? Can there be such a thing as normality in a country like Israel? What is it anyway? This resulted in the film » Why Israel " , who portrays the different and even contradictory voices Jewish Israel. The speakers included ultra-Orthodox as well as living in the kibbutz communists, immigrants from Russia and Morocco, policemen and policewomen as well such as prison inmates, Ashkenazim and Sephardim, that is European and not European Jews. They all express and many more expectations, demands and interests that are not easily standardized.
an example, here are some excerpts presented. A group of black panthers laments the preference of Russian immigrants and immigrants. This political union of Sephardic Jews calls for the equality of all Jewish Staatsbürger_ inside. In another interview, tell the port workers that they are often attacked because of their strikes. Despite the lack of understanding to accept that in the Israeli Society is poor and the rich. For Israel, the Israeli society is for them first. The social divisions, different religious and political beliefs, perceptions of Israel and its Jewish-laid by Lanzmann open and not smoothed. The contradictions continue to exist in this film. Also nice scene depicted in the market, discuss in-born Jews from Germany deal on a French film crew. In German, mind you. A little later, American Jewish tourists to see, marvel at the euphoric range of products in a supermarket and be glad that Jewish Jewish bread and tuna in oil There. A scene that Lanzmann staged to look like he says, to show the wonder, the experiences every Jew and every Jew who / which is the first time to Israel - which is a certain humor.
speaks in the film no voice commentary from the off. Lanzmann, but arranges the statements of the protagonists: First, it puts them together in blocks on the other, he cuts sometimes contradictory opinions against each other. He is often referred to as interviewers in the picture. Of the respondents are mostly the faces to see if they believe their relationship with Israel in words. In close affiliation, difficulties and differences are indicated. It expressed different ideas as to how look normal in Israel and whether it will even be a normality. are unanimous in all but one point: There must be a State of Israel.
The film thus negotiated in the 1970s, questions of Jewish normalcy in Israel. Questions to be answered are neither exhaustive nor unique. Personal stories lined up in historical, religious and political motives.
Not all, however, many interviewees mentioned the Holocaust or experience of anti-Semitism as a reason for the need of the State of Israel.
For Filmmakers Lanzmann's Shoah, which in each case centrally. So begins and ends the film in the memorial Yad Vashem. In this sense, the Lanzmann film not only in response to the question of Jewish identity meant to know, but also as a political response to any questioning of the State of Israel. The following quote illustrates his position: "Then there was the 6-Day War, which was won by Israelis, and after much of the anti-colonialist s left, most of my comrades began to Israel herumzuhacken with this dog common generalization: these are winners, which are Nazis, with the resulting new victim of the Arabs. It was incredible. So I made this film to tell them to tell them that Israel has no nation of murderers, but a nation of refugees, a people of ancient women. Thus, there are two major explanations for this film. On the one hand the past, the unfinished report, on the other hand, these purely political reasons "
why the movie! Therefore, Israel! There is no question mark behind the "why".
(speech demonstration against anti-Semitism, 13.12.09)
False Negative Day Before Period
The conventional Stalinist and social democratic representations of Nazism and fascism as tools of capitalists, used to the organizations of the working class to be struck, has always been one of its key dimensions: These movements, both see themselves as such in its ability to attract the masses were revolts. National Socialism was seen as a struggle for liberation is (supported and "anti-imperialist" movements in the Arab world and India). The condition for this self-understanding was a fetishistic of capitalism: The abstract, unassailable, global rule of capital was seen as the abstract, unassailable, worldwide domination of the Jews. Far from being simply an attack on a minority are, the Nazi anti-Semitism, understood as anti-hegemonic. His goal was the liberation of humanity from the ruthless, omnipresent rule of the Jews. It is this anti-hegemonic nature of anti-Semitism, which is such a special problem for the Left. Therefore, it could be a century of anti-Semitism as the "socialism of fools' talk - today's more like the" anti-imperialism of fools ".
This anti-Semitic version of anti-Zionism is unfortunately not new. It was central to the Stalinist show trials of the early fifties, particularly in Czechoslovakia, that internationalist communists, many of them Jews, as "Zionist agents" tried and shot. This coded form of anti-Semitism that had nothing originally to do with the fighting in the Middle East was, by the Soviet Union and its allies during the Cold War settled there - in particular through the cooperation of the secret service of East Germany with near-and middle-eastern allies, we think only to the RAF and the various "radical" Palestinian groups.
This "leftist" anti-Zionism has joined with Arab nationalism and radical Islamism - none of which is more progressive than any other radical nationalism, such as Albanian or Croatian - and justifies his desire to destroy the Jews in Israel as a "European" against colonizers. Whenever act eliminationist impulses against Jews in Israel the most, the legitimacy of Israel is the strongest to be questioned - with arguments that the claim that most European Jews originated not at all "organic" from the Middle East (a thesis, which established in 1947, the Arab High Committee, and now Shlomo Sand "rediscovered") is pied up to comparisons with the rich noir: The typical European colonizers had to send them home. It is unfortunate but not surprising that radical nationalists see in the Middle East of tea. However, it is perverse when Europeans - particularly German - especially Jews, who equate a thousand years by Europeans most persecuted population, with those same Europeans. By identifying the Jews with their own murderous past, they try the burden of responsibility for this heritage to escape. The result is an approach to the past, pretending to fight it, as he actually receives them and perpetuate.
This form of anti-Zionism is part of a campaign to destroy Israel, the gains since the start of the second Intifada in power. The focus on the weakness of the Palestinians only covered the actual goal. This form of anti-Zionism is part of the problem not the solution. Far from it to be progressive, allied himself with radical Arab Nationalists and Islamists, say the radical right in the middle east, and also strengthens the Israeli right. It is essential for a war that increasingly resembles a zero-sum game and thus undermined any possibility of a viable political solution - a recipe for endless war. The hatred that is expressed in this anti-Zionism beyond the scope of politics, because he is as boundless as his imagined object - an immensity that refers to the dream of destruction. The Germans and other Europeans are familiar enough with them, this destruction dream only too well. It is time to wake up from it at last.
(salutation to the Hamburg demonstration against anti-Semitism, 13.12.09)
Click here to read the text on the original / Click here to read the Address in English
Slow Growing Breast Tumors
" No anti-Semite, it would not be in the blood to imitate what he called Jew " write Horkheimer and Adorno in Dialectic of Enlightenment. This also applies to the AntizionistInnen. Jiddeln you, but they play for their lives like " Israeli checkpoint " . This is also before the b-movie to "lead to the public the reality of Israel in mind " . But it looks like the reality of Israel according to B5? appeared " As the leaders of the B-movies for the day, they were of course stopped at the checkpoint and prevented from crossing, as is customary at a checkpoint in Palestine. "
Oh, it's like always, if these people want to express themselves: they stumble over their own images. Stopped at Israeli checkpoints are not usually so off-cinema managers, but Palestinians - in the world of anti-Zionism means that helpless, innocent victims. Who can but lay in the B5 game take over their role? No one other than the theatrical score himself - those cinema guests, the B5 According to, but all anti-German, Zionist warmongers are very dangerous guy so; heckled lads who have themselves to blame if they are staying, torments. In a word, boy, justify every checkpoint, every repression.
from the horror of what can happen at Israeli checkpoints, in fact - and what results primarily from the practice of Palestinian terrorist groups, children, pregnant women or ambulance to burn for bomb smuggling - makes the B5 a cheap spectacle that reveals one thing: how little the fate of those AntizionistInnen for interested, with whom they ostensibly in solidarity. It also reveals where her fixation on Israel is in reality. Who wants to know what kind strives rule of the anti-Semite, known only needs to look in the "Protocols of the Elders of Zion", whoever wants to know what it longs to the anti-Zionists need only their street theater to take a look. In their projections they chat quite at ease in their very own goals: for once himself, with a gun in his hand, 'You do not come here pure may roar '.
The longing for arbitrariness corresponds to the arbitrariness of the anti-Zionist enemy explanation. That the hatred of Israel is a natural reaction, spontaneous outrage over the injustice is part of the standard arsenal of anti-Semitic common sense. In reality, should have an Egyptian fellah, an Iranian student, know yourself, a Palestinian day laborers so urgent problems than just the existence of a Jewish state. Is the hatred for Israel in the Middle East, where he welded the masses with their oppressors, an epochal disaster, he is among the country people a doggedly maintained Farce - a farce, to fit the setting up of checkpoints before off-cinema such as the fist on the eye of the viewers.
Who namely this country, preferring instead to the Federal Government, the parents, the clerk in the social welfare office or, why do not suffer Dieter Bohlen to prefer to the policy of the State of Israel, who in Germany is not about Merkel, Lafontaine or displaced, but prepare Netanyahu, Lieberman and the settlers sleepless nights - reveals not his big heart for the oppressed and disenfranchised, but an accompanying disturbance of reality perception. For who not gruesome and vicious in the wants to know the world just as Zionism, in fact, may know the world around him are not around. The anti-Zionist enemy declaration, they also spontaneously into place is nothing but organized experience resistance. to feel oneself
affected by the " crime of Zionismu s " , that is a decision that requires a due degree of emotional energy. Whoever he is, must, in order to maintain his fury, constantly denying the distance to the object of hatred - and instead move to Israel, as close to approaching that he 'Zionists' finally in his backyard can face. What the anti-Zionist, in other words, must do constantly is to be empty and vain I am so and puffing to inflate until it goes directly from Hamburg to Haifa.
nowhere clearer the excessiveness of this conceit, the loss of all proportions in the well grubbiest set, was able to write to the B5. "We commend " is, it wrote in its justification, " performance by Claude Lanzmann in the fight against German fascism. But the example of Otto Schily will recognize any that do not last but for current action the question of where a person stands, the major factor. " The audacity does not start until the second set, in which German Jews left a French top notes give in revolutionary behavior. It is already - or rather, above all - the patronizing gesture with which they attach a Jewish partisans, the B5-Service Cross because he had fought in the Resistance like bravely against the German fascism as Otto Schily in ordinary homes. Some find it in their madness just for Napoleon, some better but for what, and whether the B5 rises above Lanzmann, for him to expose him as a neocon or chummy pat on the shoulder from above, plays little role.
The inflation is also the insane preamble, which the B5 prefixing their pamphlet and the title 'The world revolutionary situation and we' could take. It does it happen that it just so his explanation. "We " with these golden words, it starts off, " we as conscious left hand know " . And how to know the conscious left? From " system of white dominance, which is also of the Holocaust emerged dominant again " ; of " contradictions that are exacerbated " and then, like two sharpened pencils, " sharper clash " . In any case, if your aim is good.
That is what is the price that the desire to pay for unlimited arbitrariness: a language that the height between weltrevolutionärem commander hills and Hinterhofkeilerei be resistant to scream while, to quote the beautiful picture of B5, " shaken by the tilting device " .
Because the arbitrariness has no justification and should not know, it breaks down it every concept of purposeful action. Anti-Zionism à la B5 is nowhere in any overarching rationale more of progress and reaction, of imperialism and anti-imperialism. He is still only for himself. From the policy coordinates in which he once, situate as wrong and crooked However, mere empty words are left, those are unrelated juxtaposed, partout no coherent sense. Babbling of the B5 " imperialist wars, occupation and expulsion " , which are accepted by the Anti-Germans can no longer know exactly what is actually meant: the founding Israeli war, or rather the Potsdam Conference. And if the B5 writes that it would "consolidate maintaining domination [...] " Zionism, , then well, especially in the desperate hope that there could be snapping on the tremolo but still to save what can not be saved.
What remains is no identifiable practice - but identity. Not by chance instead of domination is much talk of culture: from the " " colonial culture " , the " artificial character " , the " cultural export " a " value system " . Was it used to value, today the B5 to real values, one has previously accused the cities of emptying the Trikont economically, today, to deliver to the Trilateral culturally. Not oppression, it is therefore of the B5, but " double standards " , not to liberation but to " open, intensive and continuous work " .
Let no one ever, but they said the right thing, they could not express just right. The Nullschwurbel expresses exactly what's in them, "German inwardness. It goes to people who want everything to be both: noble knights and poor wretches, who can not decide whether to force showing off rant from " disputes " before which they " not run away could and would be " , or rather whine about the fact that " people of anti-German anti-Semites like insulted when criticism is formulated to Israel . Even if it's just a tiny, tiny Kritikchen!
comes to itself the jargon of the persecution of innocent in the invitation of the SoL to her "Why Israel"-performance. An invitation to all it should be, " who are interested in an honest and open-ended discussion to lead us " ; all People of good will, therefore, are willing to suspend the party strife once. And more beautiful than that, what then would it not be able to say Martin Walser. " We think it " , the SoL, writes " important that this film will be shown in a frame in which a democratic and intimidation free to talk climate " - Thus a climate in which no one must fear the raised leg of Auschwitz, because brave Democrats care so that the Zionist soldiers remain outside opinion. If need be, just with Mouth guard and fighting gloves.
If they know no political strategy more, however, and the more effective, the scent of strength and weakness. Exactly which ensures that the left anti-Zionism, the remains of what promises to success: the whispers of philistines, but is not that, do all " open and honest " to resolve the Middle Eastern Jewish question, the non-party, " balanced " , that is compatible national community resentment, anti-Semitism of the noble souls.
Let it be, the B5 also Loser, whose victory in the people's war is just is to have protected her toilet before use by Zionists: That certainly does not mean they were not in a position to its solid contribution to German to make production of ideology. Misery and danger are not contradictory. Behind every Zero, knew Theodor Lessing, lies a Nero.
(speech demonstration against anti-Semitism, 13.12.09)
Will Scorpio Care He Hurt Me
To begin with the simple truths: There is among those who describe themselves as part of the left, AntisemitInnen. Protestations that left could not be anti-Semitic, because they left an hour and thus somehow for the good, true and beautiful, are easily understood as defensive of any criticism.
Also, these are not isolated cases. Certainly the historical left no part in the organized anti-Semitic groups of the 19 Century and the first half of the 20th distance involved and sought to do so. The relevant currents of the labor movement have always known that they are reactionary-conservative character. But who would only describe those trends than the historical Left, which still does not overlap with had the anti-Semitic world view, would lead to the absurd conclusion that there was never a social left.
consequence of these overlaps was that the Nazi anti-Semitism in the anti-fascist agitation before and during the 2nd World War II could not be addressed. This held even after the defeat of Germany, none, the left was involved in the repression of the Shoah.
The emphasis on the similarities, which have different variants of anti-Semitism, encourages it to speak of anti-Semitism in of the left. AntisemitInnen there are any political party or social movement, but overall it appears as an individual pathology with social content, but without specific social motivation. Those who argue anti-Semitism can not occur in the name of a particular social interest, or by a particular political position to speak, when those who are the one's interest is likely to have similar anti-Semitic fantasies. were left AntisemitInnen then with the same statistical probability as left with hay fever, or to remain with examples in the area of subjective-psychological, as left with clinical depression.
Such a diagnosis is apolitical course ignored the social Content of the anti-Semitic thought and provides more new questions than answers. Is it not the task of social criticism left to reveal precisely those forms of thought in which the unacceptable state of society as a whole form is disguised? So leftist anti-Semitism is only a symptom of lack of revolutionary spirit? Ie a result of unwillingness to abolish the basic social forms? But can there be any left anti-Semitism when we see only right, what is left of social criticism?
The answer must be, unfortunately, "no." For it is simply not the case that the AntisemitInnen increased in so-called reformers had been found. Again and again: Either there was never left revolutionaries, or the diagnosis is wrong.
the surface can be considered as a reason for this is that anti-Semitism has a destructive, rebellious-conformist character that is also in conflict with pragmatic reformist aspirations. In Germany, such a pragmatism plays little role in other countries has, however. Striking said: Who does not abolish the money will, and it perceives as rational agents and not as a sinister power, will not be with the identification of money can make friends and Judaism. Who for the nation state an appropriate instrument socialist-democratic life, holds or will notice the rather non-recognition of a Jewish state, speaking from the current "criticism of Israel." Known, is also true that not anti-Zionism is often a means to displace the denunciation of a State, the rule-like constitution of each other. But elsewhere there are at least those trends.
The thesis of anti-Semitism, which is found only in the left is not to think so. It is expected to behave rather that just the mindless, self-setting will absolutely to social change, holding independently of specific social conditions for revolutionary, tends to form anti-Semitic stereotypes. Even the question of whether this will is the appropriation of state power has to content, or are hostile to the state is not an appropriate criterion for differentiation. As early as the differences between the B5 and TAN, which is presumably out of anti-Semitism and its anti-anti-German paranoia are united in nothing proves this.
It's about left-Semitism. Straight from socially critical perspective, we will have to admit that there is a history of left-specific anti-Semitic or anti-Zionist sentiment today, which is common to anti-Semitism in all other political currents in difference. This is supported such that most variants of the Internet today represent every newspaper find affordable anti-Zionist victim-reversal from the left Palestine solidarity of the 70s and 80s are. He is not taken by it, but placed first in the world was. The perpetrators were victims of reverse it at that time in the rest of the post-fascist society, but was here to work with other images and stereotypes. Israel call it that as a fascist state, as was the custom in the B5 and still is, was and is just who the orthodox Marxist Fascism theories dealt. For fascists "fascist" or "racist" obviously not critical, so they also can not get the idea, to denounce Israel as a fascist.
Whatever this way to the left anti-Semitism, the mechanisms by which it follows arises in which social processes it and how it prevails in the individual as a stereotypical explanation of the world: At the invitation does not need to be with tackle anti-Semitism in the Left, but with left anti-Semitism. Our own ideas of emancipation and social change and subjective power and powerlessness are at stake when we talk about left-Semitism. The left and AntisemitInnen AntizionistInnen suspect this when they complain that criticism of anti-Semitism would be tantamount to a ban on any criticism of capitalism. This alone speaks not just against the criticism of anti-Semitism, but against the social criticism, which envision the AntisemitInnen.
so it is not only empirically wrong, those are the target of this demonstration, as a "left Nazis" to describe, must be treated like all other Nazis, too. To prove this, it is impossible to refer to their other activities, such as in its refugee policy or that they are pursuing something they call anti-racism. Must be made only on the origin of the fantasy they concoct the stereotype. It is not just vindication of the left, to insist on this. Conversely, it is an admission that to creating social conditions are not created equally, that a little good will and a pure heart or a proletarian state are likely to abolish them.
Who will show if left AntisemitInnen to what they are capable only possible to talk about Nazis, it will either make for well-known pattern simple, and yet again the anti-Semitism from its own history . Repayable This is an inappropriate means for vindication of the history of the Left. But because we have no other pre-revolutionary and can not have, we can not whitewash this, so we can identify ourselves innocent, but they have to work against our need for identification. Alternatively, the speech by the Nazis left, a way to make us forget that the socially organized power, including the state, historically not a guarantor of capital, but also the means could be the unleashing of barbarism. Sun salute only the theory of totalitarianism, not the criticism, and the left, which can not solve their own anti-Semitism appears as a collection of dilapidated individual cases. That argument can be contradictory.
(speech demonstration against anti-Semitism, 13.12.09)Itunes Card Philippines
Am 25.10. was planned by the group critique of maximizing performance -Claude Lanzmann film "Why Israel" of anti-Semitic racket held n prevented from environment of the International Centre B5. In view of this, and vo r all, due to the fact that it obviously still sufficient to say that one is left in order of to the left as such acknowledge annt , we keep some notes as necessary. We want to formulate in this context, a fundamental criticism of the anti-imperialist world view . The anti-imperialist world view is both structurally a uch content anti-Semitic. Plays a key role in this context hang an ideology of anti-Zionism.
The anti-imperialist world view represents a simplistic perspective on rule as personified rule. It streamlines the major ch the capital relation acids brought forth exploitation and Zurichtungsprozed as foreign machinations to rebel against the collective of the oppressed have. Therefore, it is structurally anti-Semitic. The Weltgesch around is interpreted on the basis of good and evil scheme. The binary is thinking of the anti-imperialist s world view associated with the loss Jeglic Hen to reality and the resistance to any form of knowledge and experience . For the satisfaction of needs and identification per subjective emotions is compared with the good the bad nationalism nationalism and parallel to the most reactionary of all political Kate categories mobilized to the people.
is in the transfer of anti-imperialist world view on the conflict between Israel and of the Palestinian liberation movement of anti-Semitism structural context to another. Anti-Zionism Fungie rt in this context as a structure which allows German left , in good conscience to be anti-Semitic, not to admit it m ust . In the anti-Zionist perspective, the good Palestinian V olk fights, which is a naturally grown as community against the "artificial e Zionist entity." Jews are not seen as "natural people" and have therefore not entitled to their own state. Jews in the racial thinking that is constitutive of the anti-imperialist ideology, the "anti-people". The anti-Zionism is thus global, geopolitical reproduction de s Anti-Semitism. Israel is "the Jew" among the states. Anti-Zionism is a specific form of antisemitism to Auschwitz. The anti-Semitic hatred addressed in the absence of concrete objects to a replacement property - on d en collective Jews in the form of the Israeli state.
Which side are the oppressors and the oppressed in the conflict between Israel and Is are situate the Palestinian liberation movement, each is identified in anti-imperialist world-view quickly. Before the Six-Day War a positive reference was to Israel in the German Left to the good tone. This positive relation was not least motivated by the need, ie e German past to dispose of and make sure once again about to
to stand on the side of good. After Israel Six-Day War put its military power must show te and to then insert the expressions of sympathy for Israel is no longer in the David and Goliath model, the left like so much, left, mutated the Jewish state in the perception of the German left the aggressor par excellence in the Middle East. This interpretation has been and is legitimized by de n as well as penetrating historical blind and cynical attempt to Jews d en to impute fascism and defamation of Zionism as racist it project. The victim-offender dichotomy of anti-Zionism in the German Li nken behaves like a revolt, the second since the latest Intifada, the collaboration with jihadism and Klerikalfaschismus timely and legitimate appears.
We know that the German left now in much of of the positions of anti-imperialism distanced the old school. The recognition TRAINING of the right of Israel is largely a consensus. may in most cases it remains nothing more than lip service, because nothing follows from the fact n what coped not the left being. Zionist f UR us but all that starts with a "I have nothing against Israel" ends and a big "but". We criticize the persistent strength We German Left, the relationship between anti-Semitism and anti-Zionism reflect. It's not to say it that children of l principle should not be criticized. Unclear to us but two BWA rlei. 1. Why is not the German Left perceive in the situation that Israel constantly and from all sides anyway and criticized with claims and demands is confronted to any other country in the world are expected ? And 2 Where does the need is calculated in reference to I srael pose as the instance of moral integrity and superiority? The criticism that formulated the German Left in Israel based on their resentment. As long as the German Left claims recurrent Zionismu s is fascism, as happened for example in the form of graffiti in the red flora, there can be no question criticizable demand, but go it must about to position Israel in solidarity.
Zionism is not the right response to anti-Semitism. The right answer to anti-Semitism would be to remove his Hen Ursac , ie the abolition of all relations, in which man is a demeaning igtes and enslaved, neglected and contemptible being in favor of association of free individuals in a classless States and world society. In a world, however, who has withdrawn the threat of destruction against Jews never, in a world in which he wanted to protect no one Jews (and certainly not the German Left), Zionism is the only possible to anti-Semitism. The Zionism us is the only way of real politics, the categorical imperative to Auschwitz, all set up conditions so that Auschwitz not repeat not the like happen to meet. Zionism st eht for the trial of a Jewish self-empowerment. This form of self-empowerment includes virtually always the need to self-defense. The fact that the anti-Semitic fantasy destruction, which is also constitutively for anti-Zionism, yet could not be achieved is due to the Israeli state power. Anti-fascism must for solidarity with Israel all necessary means to recognize. Anti-fascism
is therefore pro-Zionist.
with regret that we have taken note that, contrary brings the support that the classic autonomous scene Hamburg AGES the alliance against Hamburger Unzumutbark , is more reserved. Due to various demarcation needs of their genesis, we usually only speculate Ren can be seen in these circles, unable to join the alliance nis join against Hamburger unreasonable. Us have no choice but to accept than this. What we will not accept is the continuing inability and unwillingness of the Hamburg left, behave unabhängigvon identitarian Labeling mean that antisemitis surface and anti-Zionist positions in the Hamburg scene still virulent si nd
We are therefore invited, anti-Semitic club - links - make it impossible . Since the anti-Semitic resentment because of its by u nd by delusional Character at any time to explode into raw violence, it is not our goal, the protagonists of SoL, TAN, and a B5 etiquette course to undergo or to call for moderation. The violent Verhinderun g of Lanzmann film is not a slip, but program. It stands for a intersection of content and form. Our goal is the critique of ideology established political and social isolation of the entire pack. The 25th 10th showed once again that not only the rural districts who entbarbarisiert the needs, but also the Hamburg Brigitte road. We therefore demand the immediate closure of the international Centre B5.
(speech demonstration against anti-Semitism, 13.12.09)
Briggs And Straton Throttle Spring Diagram
The "B5" is the stronghold which has become the counter-Enlightenment, people want liberation socialism '. The National Bolshevik Umschmeichelung of the 'people', the venerable 'leadership Thalmann, Stalin, Mao, Enver Hoca, Georges Habach and "Presidente Gonzalo . So much of what has been outsourced elsewhere - not because it is critical reflected and was dropped thereafter, but because it is considered now to be embarrassed - by the "B5" his refuge.
minimize bureaucracy the "B5" less of the theory group » criticism maximize " , previously quite unsuspected events of "art and avant-garde" or "crisis criticism and had organized "provokes compulsive, as the fact that a seemingly anti-national union, and possibly for a documentary about Israel in a nearby cinema announced to slip out of the "B5" So in their neighborhood, the power to define Israel threatened.
Usually replied the » B5 " , Why Israel 'notoriously with the geopolitical reproduction of anti-Semitic sentiments of the conspiratorial , anti-nation ', that is, extending from the » B5 " offer under the ideology Zionism as a state have become "mortal enemy of the people" - such as in a brochure of the friendly KPD / ML, which is displayed in the » B5 " al s explicitly recommended reading. Israel is here only as a "bridgehead" of imperialist occupation, as a Colt on the temple of, indigenous peoples', so as a as a state only to be decorated conspiracy - but not by anti-Semitism as interim expedients of the persecuted and threatened.
If such embedded in the "B5" » Palestine Solidarity " to local neighborhood facades a map placard on which the existence of Israel in favor of a Palestinian state is wiped out, is revealed clearly the merger Zionist Ausmerzungssehnsüchte with after organic peoples state come ', in which the "indigenous peoples' to their right: to rule over the 'own', including, as practiced in Gaza or Fallujah, lynching of homosexuals and apostates. The idiocy of the call to the national self-determination 'inevitably reproduced the bourgeois ideology that the' legitimate 'state of the ancestral rights of the subject, people "execute, so the most natural case of human social life is. The ideology, the German as well as the National Bolshevik power, now from the iron compulsion of belonging to a State, one imposed by the nature of content - an organic relation of the homogenized state people to the political sovereign.
Consequently, in the "B5" not the general character of repressive law and the constitution of the empirical man, as they stand and walk, as a nationalist citizens denounced, but urged the supposed evidence of the artificiality of the State of Israel. Zionism, the "B5" was a "racist project," the "are artificially preserved the Jewish character" should. Artificially, the quintessence of anti-Semitism is just always the Jewish - and, of course, however, the roots, indigenous people ", whose fate in the state, the executor of his National authenticity 'lies. Whereas the Jews had to, people's state 'incapable, because they, like Stalin, one of the authorities of "B5" stated, "not connected with the soil" demographic, "the natural way the nation not only as its skeleton but also as "national market" holds together ". In the anti-imperialist enthusiasm for people and plaice breaks the resentment of the Jewish, anti-nation 'by the Zionist, counter-people' come to the right, blood and soil 'following, that is, Stalin, on, growing community " the professional end, peoples'.
In "B5" betrays the one people want liberation socialism 'as the notorious refusal to reflect on the' people 'than to the concept flattening of the individual to put the wrong picture. Because the "people" of coercion is inherent to the projection, a critique that denounced the whole thing wrong, turn only to the individual who makes the fate imposed on him deliberately. But while the political sovereign - the state or the bonds - the formation of 'people declared as a unit and the individual for the wrong whole flattens, ideological anti-Zionist liberation nationalism "B5" that forced collective as a revolutionary subject "people" and encourages the national constitution of the masses a honorable sonorous-labels.
"Our understanding of politics and our practices are known," the so the "B5" in the declaration on their anti-Zionist action ' 25. October by the b-movie. For those states where the hamburgers are not known: When about 31 January 2004 at an anti-fascist 'Demonstration in Hamburg-Barmbek the comrades of the anti-national group » criticism and practice Berlin " of the local "tenderness of the peoples' militia under a banner with been labeled "Germany think Auschwitz is thinking" as a supposed "anti-German" are identified, kicked and beat a 30 to 40 AntizionisInnen to the four present K & P comrades and rescued them "Intifada until victory" slogans that tell-tale 'Transpi. Berlin's comrades, according to "The Jews are to blame for everything" by individual with cries of anti-Semitism have been ausgebrüllt an unclad.
In January this year, closed the "B5" the Milli Görüs and the Islamic Republic of Iran in organized anti-Israel rallies. Although they refused, the requested separation of the sexes, but we fervently voiced the "child killers Israel" slogan, that draws from the Sun instinctively anti-Semitic blood libel. On 20 June tried racket inside the "B5" a solidarity action for the contending for freedom people in Iran to blow up after they had tracked down a complicity between, renegade exiled Iranians' and 'anti-German ZionistInnen'. Thus, they make it abundantly clear who militancy have to apply on German roads: not the German, but the Jewish state of Israel and its Freund_innen.
(speech demonstration against anti-Semitism, 13.12.09)
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We are here today because it is scandalous that the film » Why force Israel " by Claude Lanzmann of prevented activists from the world of B5, and Tan was the SoL. That a performance of this film just in Germany, especially from the left, was prevented from making this event more bitter the more.
In a film of the importance of the Jewish state as a consequence of the industrial extermination of European Jews at the time Nazi theme, "inhuman incitement" and "War Propaganda" (Quotes from a leaflet the Blockier_innen) to see, from one film to Israel so provoked to feel that his performance can be prevented by force must be only by a delusional hatred declare against Israel. Time and again attempts by these and other groups, sometimes in pamphlets, sometimes violently, their anti-Semitic sentiment in pseudo-critical demands of the " anti-Zionism " packed to the State of Israel to deny its right to exist.
One such anti-Semitic rhetoric of destruction we face today decided against.
For us it is unacceptable that violent Antisemit_innen the b-movie prescribe do what movies have to show it. Movies, relating to benefits for the State of Israel must be shown!
suffer in Hamburg violent attacks against Israel in solidarity persons designated by the environment of the » International Centre B5 " go a long story. As a 2002 Free Sender Kombinat (FSK) discussed the left-Semitism, intervened in the course of these discussions _innen to persons associated with the B5 radio activists and broke several ribs on the one person. Since that time there were more threats and physical attacks to stone and bottle throwing on the part of the B5 environment. In January 2004, were attacked on an anti-fascist demonstration of people from B5-activists for wearing Israeli flags with them. Physical threats have since started in the political discourse of the usual repertoire aforementioned groups. Even after the blockade of the film » Why Israel " targeted individuals were intimidated and beaten.
The » International Centre B5 " , the Animal Rights Action North (TAN) and the » Socialist Left " (SoL) must finally be excluded from all left and alternative structures.
Only a serious political isolation may be its anti-Semitic and violent goings oppose effectively.
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About the comment function to send a message to the alliance against Hamburger unreasonable. Please provide your email address.
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Because of the broad interest in Claude Lanzmann's film "Why Israel" and unfortunately only very limited places in the b-movie will be seen the movie today, 13/12/09, nor in other places near the cinema.
clock 18 / / Markthof
Marktstr. 102 (Karo). Admission free.
An event of [a ²] Hamburg in cooperation with criticism maximize
clock 18 / / Black Cat
Fettstr. 23 (Hills / Eimsbüttel). Admission free. An event of the Hamburg
Clock 20 / / Art and Culture Association
Linda Hein-Hoyer-Str. 13 (St. Pauli). b-movie guest of Linda.
Admission free.
18.01.2010 / / 19 Clock / / evil & dangerous
film screening followed by Diskussion. Podium mit Claude Lanzmann, Hermann L. Gremliza (Konkret) und anderen.
Moderation: Max Dax (Spex).
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For what this is all about, see the translated original proclamation of the Alliance Against Hamburg Unacceptabilities . A more detailed article on the events of October 25 th , 2009 appeared in the Jerusalem Post , and Contested Terrain published translations of pieces from Redok and from Jungle World with some background.
Some support for the suppressed cause of anti-semites in Germany was provided by their special friends in Teheran , and some of the violent anti-zionist film censors explain why anything you can read on these pages is the work of zionist agents recently renamed "the anti-Germans".
Moishe Postone sent an address titled Hamburg 2009 - another German Autumn for the rally on Decemb er 13 th .
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I think it is politically important that so many on the Left are taking seriously the expressions of anti-Semitism that have become widespread among groups that regard themselves as anti-imperialist. Perhaps it can also lead to some long overdue theoretical clarification. At issue is not whether or not Israeli policies can be criticized. Israeli policies should be criticized, especially those aimed at undermining any possibility of a viable Palestinian state in the West Bank and Gaza. However, the critique of “Zionism” prevalent in many anti-imperialist circles goes beyond a critique of Israeli policies. It attributes to Israel and the “Zionists” a unique malevolence and global conspiratorial power. Israel is not criticized as other countries are criticized – but as the embodiment of that which is deeply and fundamentally evil. In short, the representation of Israel and the “Zionists” in this form of “anti-imperialist” “anti-Zionism” is essentially the same as that of the Jews in the virulent anti-Semitism that found its purest expression in Nazism. In both cases, the “solution” is the same – elimination in the name of emancipation.
The conventional Stalinist and Social Democratic representation of Nazism and fascism as simply tools of the capitalist class, used to crush working class organizations, always omitted one of their central dimensions: These movements, in terms of their own self-understanding and their mass appeal, were revolts. Nazism presented itself as a struggle for liberation (and supported “anti-imperialist” movements in the Arab world and India). The basis for this self-understanding was a fetishized understanding of capitalism: the abstract, intangible, global domination of capital was understood as the abstract, intangible global domination of the Jews. Far from simply being an attack on a minority, Nazis anti-Semitism understood itself as anti-hegemonic. Its aim was to free humanity from the ruthless ubiquitous domination of the Jews. It is because of its anti-hegemonic character that anti-Semitism poses a particular problem for the Left. It is the reason why, a century ago, anti-Semitism could be characterized as the “socialism of fools.” Today it can be characterized as the “anti-imperialism of fools.”
This anti-Semitic form of “anti-Zionism” is, unfortunately, not new. It was at the center of the Stalinist show trials of the early 1950s, especially in Czechoslovakia, when internationalist Communists, many of whom were Jews, were accused of being “Zionist agents” and shot. This coded form of anti-Semitism, whose origins had nothing to do with struggles in the Middle East, was then transported there by the Soviet Union and its allies during the Cold War – especially by the intelligence services of the DDR working with their Western and Middle Eastern clients (e.g. the RAF and various “radical” Palestinian groups).
This form of “leftist” anti-Zionism has converged with radical Arab nationalism and radical Islamism – which are no more progressive than any other form of radical nationalism, such as radical Albanian or Croatian nationalism, and for whom the eliminationist impulse towards Jews in Israel is justified as being directed against “European” colonizers. Whenever the eliminationist impulse towards Jews in Israel is strongest, the legitimacy of Israel is called into question most – with arguments ranging from the claim that most European Jews are not biologically Middle Eastern (a claim made in 1947 by the Arab Higher Committee and now recycled as a “new discovery” by Shlomo Sand) to the idea that they are simply European colonizers who, like the pied noir , should be sent home. It is unfortunate, if not surprising, that radical nationalists in the Middle East view the situation in these terms. It becomes perverse, however, when Europeans – especially Germans – identify the Jews, the group most persecuted and massacred by Europeans for a millennium, with those very Europeans. By identifying the Jews with their own murderous past, those Europeans can slip out of dealing with that burdensome legacy. The result is a mode that purports to fight the past, but actually continues and extends it.
This form of anti-Zionism is part of a campaign, gathering strength since the beginning of the second Intifada, to eliminate Israel. Its focus on the weakness of the Palestinians veils that ultimate intent. This form of anti-Zionism is part of the problem, not a part of the solution. Far from being progressive, it allies itself with radical Arab nationalists and Islamists, that is, with the radical Right in the Middle East, and, in so doing, strengthens the Israeli Right. It is constitutive of a war increasingly defined in zero-sum terms, which undermines any possible political solution, a recipe for an endless war. The hatred expressed by this anti-Zionism explodes the limits of politics, for it is as boundless as its imagined object. Such boundlessness points to the dream of elimination. The Germans, along with many other Europeans, know this only too well eliminationist dream. It is time to finally wake up
(Address to the demonstration against Antisemitism 12/13/2009)
Click here for more information on the incidents in Hamburg English
Thursday, December 10, 2009
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Hi group 170,
I write this mail after I the proposal for the speech to 13.12. 've read. I understand him as a semi-open letter, which goes to the Covenant House and to you. On the House last Tuesday, I announced after was that your group would like to give a speech, pleading for it to be very open, even though you are not alliance group, but which could be If you had no problems from our side. My main reasons were, of course, on the one hand, [... Alliance deleted internal reasons ...].
The other is for me politically more important reason I have mentioned at the meeting, which would I think in the discussions about anti-Semitism a development to progress, resulting in different positions and options in the fight against anti-Semitism and no discussion about should be made as to whether there actually a Problem with it. Of course there would be under such a situation, positions from which some decisions that the Alliance has taken explicitly or implicitly, are not acceptable. Just as naturally, I would advertise in this situation for my view of things and support those political actions that I believe to be the correct conclusion of my analysis. What I would like, that anti-Semitism in the future, like any other unacceptable social condition also becomes the subject of dispute and conflict. The ability to explain, contradictions and conflicts to work through and due to their abschaffbaren causes, including if the abolition not just practice may be the essential requirement for any social criticism, and which was to acquire the left in the case of anti-Semitism.
to plead So much for my motivation for the requested of you speech without knowing its contents. With knowledge of the content, the situation is unfortunately different for me dar. for under the said of me I think those passages are seeking "a certain rational analysis of the state of Israel." If there were passages in a discussion about this, I would sure point that I can agree with, but would raise the question of what external circumstances, because in this world is dependent upon the reason. For my guess is that you let this in mind, I would attach about the following: "This means that criticism of the aggressive interests of the Israeli policy of the State of Israel not to respond reflexively to the stereotype accusation of anti-Semitism. Unquestioning devotion knows no discussion, the State of Israel is not serious and fall apart fall short positions of the Israeli left. "
The vote sets, only those who actually criticized anti-Semitism, without the prior actually anti-Zionist / anti-Semitic stereotype would have been submitted? Of course, it belongs to the "interests of the Israeli aggressive policy" and is not purely defensive, as when leaders of Hamas are being attacked and killed. The Israeli army is on the preventive options such as weakening of the opponent, the answer to the question of what actions to achieve this objective and which has not had a secret to discuss, etc., then, is determined by the conditions that reason and we would certainly a conflict, but in a context of what is said.
For the immediate Alliance situation arises again m. E. a slightly different question. Even if we would come to the conclusion that such a knee-jerk reactions somewhere: If you respond in the alliance on the way to her criticism? And if any: these groups are so decisive that it is impossible for you to bring your position? Which statements do you do set it?
your under let such an argument largely - the only relevant passage for the Barmbeker demo - and generally speaking, instead of the "theory and practice of anti-German groups." The passage to me is also the Barmbeker Demo cryptic of your text. To my knowledge there is no doubt that those against whom the demonstration is directed, participated in the beating out of the flag bearers of the demo was. How can you say that they are "not of a mind with anti-Semites" were "because of which we are here today on the street"? Certainly, were in Barmbek still involved more people that "no national flags" justification was the central, but the minimum level of admission in such a situation, but surely that can obscure the obvious on that basis one anti-Semitism, which includes their one "radical and complete rejection" want to give. Why are you so sure you want this to those who have not delivered on 25.10 the new proof for the correctness of the former criticism, not even true?
Instead, there are those passages to anti-German theory and practice, in which I wonder even more what you practice these Moors. At the point where you will ask yourself what could have been the motive for the performance, you simply forget that the decision to show even the b-movie was involved. Certainly no anti-German group that could have kept this movie is an interesting item on the program. Or you find that this automatically to the "political and neurotic fed Extreme" to the need to use one of you as irreconcilably conflicting sides into consideration, because they share the toilets and have the same landlord?
At the points of anti-German theory and practice, I find it again only barely justified expectations. Let me be clear: no small part of the anti-German alliance are those groups of which you claim to speak. If you have something on their / our theory have to complain about, it refers to passages that have you / we have written. Who said when and where attacks on us were generally anti-Semitic? We know certainly other Terms and explanations for the events in this world, you probably, and if you believe that our assumed explanation (anti-Semitism) oppose one another to have to do, but this is easy. And that groups are enemies, is not an explanation for something, but the thing to be explained itself when it otherwise claims to give her not statements of Alliance groups again, but the views expressed on the fake blog fantasies that the name of the Alliance and that of criticism maximization were posted on the Internet and which are probably to be a kind of post-front-defense. If you do not know them, I can send you the links you.
your been repeatedly prevented it, and with the assertion that the film is not because of the film, "but because of the implacable hostility between the groups involved," the central defense of B5, Sol and TAN. I think it will not surprise you that my motives, speak out for the post, so have become obsolete. And I hope the others who have spoken out for this tendency to see it the same way.
AND PRACTICE: This demo where you want it so obviously involved, though not viewed as a run, is our practice. And if you do it because, it will be yours. If this practice and its consequences to a split of the "autonomous movement" will (or has already done?), It is the result of a necessary clarification of content, and was not due to be our rhetoric. It is also your "radical and complete rejection", which can lead to such a split. Such a result then you should also be attributed to your political mind. And if such a schism in the destruction of the "autonomous movement" leads, or whether the destruction is not likely would be to be able to develop a central expression of the existing power relations no radical criticism To answer this I leave to you.
Because the basis for this - I think it is beyond dispute - that there are any anti-Semitism dispute within the Left, is surely the emergence of anti-German left. With whom would you together because you demonstrate your "radical and complete rejection", if not together with those who make themselves unpopular for years so that they talk about anti-Semitism? Which alliance you would have established an alternative?
With regards, for which I do not know a word
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The film 'Why is Israel' by Claude Lanzman must be shown. This film, which discussed the state of Israel must be shown. There can be no doubt that Israel can be discussed over the state. The debate over Israel but the logical and necessary condition, the existence of Israel to recognize one and for all. That means that every rhetoric, with slogans such as "Throw them back into the sea 'is working to provide, outside the context and discussion to designate as what it is: anti-Semitic hatred - and destruction of rhetoric! has
The debate on Israel allow also the logical and necessary prerequisite to criticize the policy of the State of Israel. This means that criticism of the aggressive interests of the Israeli policy of the State of Israel not to respond reflexively to the stereotype accusation of anti-Semitism. Unquestioning devotion knows no discussion, the State of Israel is not serious and fall apart fall short positions of the Israeli left.
As I said, the conflict with Israel must be possible. Nothing else does this film. Beyond all the political and neurotic fed Extreme takes this film deals with the State of Israel. The main argument must be the attitude of this film.
that it is a fairly old film actually no one should get so upset right is secondary.
that it is a film by Claude Lanzman, recognized primarily for his later work 'Shoah' right to reputation and dignity, is secondary.
What counts above all: With this film, a certain rational discussion of the State of Israel sought.
We give everyone and everything that will not accept this, herewith a radical and complete rejection.
would presumably this film in no other place in Hamburg caused such an escalation. What goals and intentions an anti-German Group combines this film in the very near proximity to a center of internationalist to show anti-imperialist groups must remain open. The Provocative this project, however, is obvious: Not because of the movie, but because of the implacable hostility between the groups involved. Beyond that we have irreconcilable as a group the greatest difficulties with the theory and practice of anti-German groups. To be perfectly clear: We do not want, and we do not mean to see national flags. The nation is for us no legitimate political structure: no nation. This is an important political right, which we set at least at our organized demonstrations. Therefore, we defend ourselves against the intolerable political and fuzzy lining up in the call for today's demonstration. The anti-fascists and anti-fascists, who admitted in 2004 to our demonstration in Barmbek no national flags are not of a mind with anti-Semites, because of which we are here today on the road. We do not follow the rhetoric plates, which says: Each and every one that leads to anti-German conflict is anti-Semitic for that reason alone. One more time loud and clear with this rhetoric, anti-German autonomous movement split or destroy any.
But these thoughts are now of secondary importance in view of the causal requirement of the possibility of rational discussion specific to Israel. It concerns us today at one thing: We all demonstrate here that we find it important for reasons of political culture, the film 'Why is Israel' show.
Given the conflict forms the blocker of the cinema at 25.10. say in the solidarity of all, We are your gay Jews pigs.
(reasons why this speech was not wanted at the demonstration were from the Alliance, called the group of 170 others at 10:12:09 half in an open letter , in the words of the group collected 170 "censorship" - allegations was also published on the blog).