The conventional Stalinist and social democratic representations of Nazism and fascism as tools of capitalists, used to the organizations of the working class to be struck, has always been one of its key dimensions: These movements, both see themselves as such in its ability to attract the masses were revolts. National Socialism was seen as a struggle for liberation is (supported and "anti-imperialist" movements in the Arab world and India). The condition for this self-understanding was a fetishistic of capitalism: The abstract, unassailable, global rule of capital was seen as the abstract, unassailable, worldwide domination of the Jews. Far from being simply an attack on a minority are, the Nazi anti-Semitism, understood as anti-hegemonic. His goal was the liberation of humanity from the ruthless, omnipresent rule of the Jews. It is this anti-hegemonic nature of anti-Semitism, which is such a special problem for the Left. Therefore, it could be a century of anti-Semitism as the "socialism of fools' talk - today's more like the" anti-imperialism of fools ".
This anti-Semitic version of anti-Zionism is unfortunately not new. It was central to the Stalinist show trials of the early fifties, particularly in Czechoslovakia, that internationalist communists, many of them Jews, as "Zionist agents" tried and shot. This coded form of anti-Semitism that had nothing originally to do with the fighting in the Middle East was, by the Soviet Union and its allies during the Cold War settled there - in particular through the cooperation of the secret service of East Germany with near-and middle-eastern allies, we think only to the RAF and the various "radical" Palestinian groups.
This "leftist" anti-Zionism has joined with Arab nationalism and radical Islamism - none of which is more progressive than any other radical nationalism, such as Albanian or Croatian - and justifies his desire to destroy the Jews in Israel as a "European" against colonizers. Whenever act eliminationist impulses against Jews in Israel the most, the legitimacy of Israel is the strongest to be questioned - with arguments that the claim that most European Jews originated not at all "organic" from the Middle East (a thesis, which established in 1947, the Arab High Committee, and now Shlomo Sand "rediscovered") is pied up to comparisons with the rich noir: The typical European colonizers had to send them home. It is unfortunate but not surprising that radical nationalists see in the Middle East of tea. However, it is perverse when Europeans - particularly German - especially Jews, who equate a thousand years by Europeans most persecuted population, with those same Europeans. By identifying the Jews with their own murderous past, they try the burden of responsibility for this heritage to escape. The result is an approach to the past, pretending to fight it, as he actually receives them and perpetuate.
This form of anti-Zionism is part of a campaign to destroy Israel, the gains since the start of the second Intifada in power. The focus on the weakness of the Palestinians only covered the actual goal. This form of anti-Zionism is part of the problem not the solution. Far from it to be progressive, allied himself with radical Arab Nationalists and Islamists, say the radical right in the middle east, and also strengthens the Israeli right. It is essential for a war that increasingly resembles a zero-sum game and thus undermined any possibility of a viable political solution - a recipe for endless war. The hatred that is expressed in this anti-Zionism beyond the scope of politics, because he is as boundless as his imagined object - an immensity that refers to the dream of destruction. The Germans and other Europeans are familiar enough with them, this destruction dream only too well. It is time to wake up from it at last.
(salutation to the Hamburg demonstration against anti-Semitism, 13.12.09)
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