Sunday, December 13, 2009

Itunes Card Philippines

anti-imperialism and anti-Semitism

Am 25.10. was planned by the group critique of maximizing performance
-Claude Lanzmann film "Why Israel" of anti-Semitic racket held n prevented from environment of the International Centre B5. In view of this, and vo r all, due to the fact that it obviously still sufficient to say that one is left in order of to the left as such acknowledge annt , we keep some notes as necessary. We want to formulate in this context, a fundamental criticism of the anti-imperialist world view . The anti-imperialist world view is both structurally a uch content anti-Semitic. Plays a key role in this context hang an ideology of anti-Zionism.

The anti-imperialist world view represents a simplistic perspective on rule as personified rule. It streamlines the major ch the capital relation acids brought forth exploitation and Zurichtungsprozed as foreign machinations to rebel against the collective of the oppressed have. Therefore, it is structurally anti-Semitic. The Weltgesch around is interpreted on the basis of good and evil scheme. The binary is thinking of the anti-imperialist s world view associated with the loss Jeglic Hen to reality and the resistance to any form of knowledge and experience . For the satisfaction of needs and identification per subjective emotions is compared with the good the bad nationalism nationalism and parallel to the most reactionary of all political Kate categories mobilized to the people.

is in the transfer of anti-imperialist world view on the conflict between Israel and of the Palestinian liberation movement of anti-Semitism structural context to another. Anti-Zionism Fungie rt in this context as a structure which allows German left , in good conscience to be anti-Semitic, not to admit it m ust . In the anti-Zionist perspective, the good Palestinian V olk fights, which is a naturally grown as community against the "artificial e Zionist entity." Jews are not seen as "natural people" and have therefore not entitled to their own state. Jews in the racial thinking that is constitutive of the anti-imperialist ideology, the "anti-people". The anti-Zionism is thus global, geopolitical reproduction de s Anti-Semitism. Israel is "the Jew" among the states. Anti-Zionism is a specific form of antisemitism to Auschwitz. The anti-Semitic hatred addressed in the absence of concrete objects to a replacement property - on d en collective Jews in the form of the Israeli state.

Which side are the oppressors and the oppressed in the conflict between Israel and Is are situate the Palestinian liberation movement, each is identified in anti-imperialist world-view quickly. Before the Six-Day War a positive reference was to Israel in the German Left to the good tone. This positive relation was not least motivated by the need, ie e German past to dispose of and make sure once again about to
to stand on the side of good. After Israel Six-Day War put its military power must show te and to then insert the expressions of sympathy for Israel is no longer in the David and Goliath model, the left like so much, left, mutated the Jewish state in the perception of the German left the aggressor par excellence in the Middle East. This interpretation has been and is legitimized by de n as well as penetrating historical blind and cynical attempt to Jews d en to impute fascism and defamation of Zionism as racist it project. The victim-offender dichotomy of anti-Zionism in the German Li nken behaves like a revolt, the second since the latest Intifada, the collaboration with jihadism and Klerikalfaschismus timely and legitimate appears.

We know that the German left now in much of of the positions of anti-imperialism distanced the old school. The recognition TRAINING of the right of Israel is largely a consensus. may in most cases it remains nothing more than lip service, because nothing follows from the fact n what coped not the left being. Zionist f UR us but all that starts with a "I have nothing against Israel" ends and a big "but". We criticize the persistent strength We German Left, the relationship between anti-Semitism and anti-Zionism reflect. It's not to say it that children of l principle should not be criticized. Unclear to us but two BWA rlei. 1. Why is not the German Left perceive in the situation that Israel constantly and from all sides anyway and criticized with claims and demands is confronted to any other country in the world are expected ? And 2 Where does the need is calculated in reference to I srael pose as the instance of moral integrity and superiority? The criticism that formulated the German Left in Israel based on their resentment. As long as the German Left claims recurrent Zionismu s is fascism, as happened for example in the form of graffiti in the red flora, there can be no question criticizable demand, but go it must about to position Israel in solidarity.

Zionism is not the right response to anti-Semitism. The right answer to anti-Semitism would be to remove his Hen Ursac , ie the abolition of all relations, in which man is a demeaning igtes and enslaved, neglected and contemptible being in favor of association of free individuals in a classless States and world society. In a world, however, who has withdrawn the threat of destruction against Jews never, in a world in which he wanted to protect no one Jews (and certainly not the German Left), Zionism is the only possible to anti-Semitism. The Zionism us is the only way of real politics, the categorical imperative to Auschwitz, all set up conditions so that Auschwitz not repeat not the like happen to meet. Zionism st eht for the trial of a Jewish self-empowerment. This form of self-empowerment includes virtually always the need to self-defense. The fact that the anti-Semitic fantasy destruction, which is also constitutively for anti-Zionism, yet could not be achieved is due to the Israeli state power. Anti-fascism must for solidarity with Israel all necessary means to recognize. Anti-fascism
is therefore pro-Zionist.

with regret that we have taken note that, contrary brings the support that the classic autonomous scene Hamburg AGES the alliance against Hamburger Unzumutbark , is more reserved. Due to various demarcation needs of their genesis, we usually only speculate Ren can be seen in these circles, unable to join the alliance nis join against Hamburger unreasonable. Us have no choice but to accept than this. What we will not accept is the continuing inability and unwillingness of the Hamburg left, behave unabhängigvon identitarian Labeling mean that antisemitis surface and anti-Zionist positions in the Hamburg scene still virulent si nd

We are therefore invited, anti-Semitic club - links - make it impossible . Since the anti-Semitic resentment because of its by u nd by delusional Character at any time to explode into raw violence, it is not our goal, the protagonists of SoL, TAN, and a B5 etiquette course to undergo or to call for moderation. The violent Verhinderun g of Lanzmann film is not a slip, but program. It stands for a intersection of content and form. Our goal is the critique of ideology established political and social isolation of the entire pack. The 25th 10th showed once again that not only the rural districts who entbarbarisiert the needs, but also the Hamburg Brigitte road. We therefore demand the immediate closure of the international Centre B5.

(speech demonstration against anti-Semitism, 13.12.09)


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