To begin with the simple truths: There is among those who describe themselves as part of the left, AntisemitInnen. Protestations that left could not be anti-Semitic, because they left an hour and thus somehow for the good, true and beautiful, are easily understood as defensive of any criticism.
Also, these are not isolated cases. Certainly the historical left no part in the organized anti-Semitic groups of the 19 Century and the first half of the 20th distance involved and sought to do so. The relevant currents of the labor movement have always known that they are reactionary-conservative character. But who would only describe those trends than the historical Left, which still does not overlap with had the anti-Semitic world view, would lead to the absurd conclusion that there was never a social left.
consequence of these overlaps was that the Nazi anti-Semitism in the anti-fascist agitation before and during the 2nd World War II could not be addressed. This held even after the defeat of Germany, none, the left was involved in the repression of the Shoah.
The emphasis on the similarities, which have different variants of anti-Semitism, encourages it to speak of anti-Semitism in of the left. AntisemitInnen there are any political party or social movement, but overall it appears as an individual pathology with social content, but without specific social motivation. Those who argue anti-Semitism can not occur in the name of a particular social interest, or by a particular political position to speak, when those who are the one's interest is likely to have similar anti-Semitic fantasies. were left AntisemitInnen then with the same statistical probability as left with hay fever, or to remain with examples in the area of subjective-psychological, as left with clinical depression.
Such a diagnosis is apolitical course ignored the social Content of the anti-Semitic thought and provides more new questions than answers. Is it not the task of social criticism left to reveal precisely those forms of thought in which the unacceptable state of society as a whole form is disguised? So leftist anti-Semitism is only a symptom of lack of revolutionary spirit? Ie a result of unwillingness to abolish the basic social forms? But can there be any left anti-Semitism when we see only right, what is left of social criticism?
The answer must be, unfortunately, "no." For it is simply not the case that the AntisemitInnen increased in so-called reformers had been found. Again and again: Either there was never left revolutionaries, or the diagnosis is wrong.
the surface can be considered as a reason for this is that anti-Semitism has a destructive, rebellious-conformist character that is also in conflict with pragmatic reformist aspirations. In Germany, such a pragmatism plays little role in other countries has, however. Striking said: Who does not abolish the money will, and it perceives as rational agents and not as a sinister power, will not be with the identification of money can make friends and Judaism. Who for the nation state an appropriate instrument socialist-democratic life, holds or will notice the rather non-recognition of a Jewish state, speaking from the current "criticism of Israel." Known, is also true that not anti-Zionism is often a means to displace the denunciation of a State, the rule-like constitution of each other. But elsewhere there are at least those trends.
The thesis of anti-Semitism, which is found only in the left is not to think so. It is expected to behave rather that just the mindless, self-setting will absolutely to social change, holding independently of specific social conditions for revolutionary, tends to form anti-Semitic stereotypes. Even the question of whether this will is the appropriation of state power has to content, or are hostile to the state is not an appropriate criterion for differentiation. As early as the differences between the B5 and TAN, which is presumably out of anti-Semitism and its anti-anti-German paranoia are united in nothing proves this.
It's about left-Semitism. Straight from socially critical perspective, we will have to admit that there is a history of left-specific anti-Semitic or anti-Zionist sentiment today, which is common to anti-Semitism in all other political currents in difference. This is supported such that most variants of the Internet today represent every newspaper find affordable anti-Zionist victim-reversal from the left Palestine solidarity of the 70s and 80s are. He is not taken by it, but placed first in the world was. The perpetrators were victims of reverse it at that time in the rest of the post-fascist society, but was here to work with other images and stereotypes. Israel call it that as a fascist state, as was the custom in the B5 and still is, was and is just who the orthodox Marxist Fascism theories dealt. For fascists "fascist" or "racist" obviously not critical, so they also can not get the idea, to denounce Israel as a fascist.
Whatever this way to the left anti-Semitism, the mechanisms by which it follows arises in which social processes it and how it prevails in the individual as a stereotypical explanation of the world: At the invitation does not need to be with tackle anti-Semitism in the Left, but with left anti-Semitism. Our own ideas of emancipation and social change and subjective power and powerlessness are at stake when we talk about left-Semitism. The left and AntisemitInnen AntizionistInnen suspect this when they complain that criticism of anti-Semitism would be tantamount to a ban on any criticism of capitalism. This alone speaks not just against the criticism of anti-Semitism, but against the social criticism, which envision the AntisemitInnen.
so it is not only empirically wrong, those are the target of this demonstration, as a "left Nazis" to describe, must be treated like all other Nazis, too. To prove this, it is impossible to refer to their other activities, such as in its refugee policy or that they are pursuing something they call anti-racism. Must be made only on the origin of the fantasy they concoct the stereotype. It is not just vindication of the left, to insist on this. Conversely, it is an admission that to creating social conditions are not created equally, that a little good will and a pure heart or a proletarian state are likely to abolish them.
Who will show if left AntisemitInnen to what they are capable only possible to talk about Nazis, it will either make for well-known pattern simple, and yet again the anti-Semitism from its own history . Repayable This is an inappropriate means for vindication of the history of the Left. But because we have no other pre-revolutionary and can not have, we can not whitewash this, so we can identify ourselves innocent, but they have to work against our need for identification. Alternatively, the speech by the Nazis left, a way to make us forget that the socially organized power, including the state, historically not a guarantor of capital, but also the means could be the unleashing of barbarism. Sun salute only the theory of totalitarianism, not the criticism, and the left, which can not solve their own anti-Semitism appears as a collection of dilapidated individual cases. That argument can be contradictory.
(speech demonstration against anti-Semitism, 13.12.09)
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