Sunday, December 13, 2009

Slow Growing Breast Tumors

psychopathology of anti-Zionism

No anti-Semite, it would not be in the blood to imitate what he called Jew " write Horkheimer and Adorno in Dialectic of Enlightenment. This also applies to the AntizionistInnen. Jiddeln you, but they play for their lives like " Israeli checkpoint " . This is also before the b-movie to "lead to the public the reality of Israel in mind " . But it looks like the reality of Israel according to B5? appeared " As the leaders of the B-movies for the day, they were of course stopped at the checkpoint and prevented from crossing, as is customary at a checkpoint in Palestine. "

Oh, it's like always, if these people want to express themselves: they stumble over their own images. Stopped at Israeli checkpoints are not usually so off-cinema managers, but Palestinians - in the world of anti-Zionism means that helpless, innocent victims. Who can but lay in the B5 game take over their role? No one other than the theatrical score himself - those cinema guests, the B5 According to, but all anti-German, Zionist warmongers are very dangerous guy so; heckled lads who have themselves to blame if they are staying, torments. In a word, boy, justify every checkpoint, every repression.

from the horror of what can happen at Israeli checkpoints, in fact - and what results primarily from the practice of Palestinian terrorist groups, children, pregnant women or ambulance to burn for bomb smuggling - makes the B5 a cheap spectacle that reveals one thing: how little the fate of those AntizionistInnen for interested, with whom they ostensibly in solidarity. It also reveals where her fixation on Israel is in reality. Who wants to know what kind strives rule of the anti-Semite, known only needs to look in the "Protocols of the Elders of Zion", whoever wants to know what it longs to the anti-Zionists need only their street theater to take a look. In their projections they chat quite at ease in their very own goals: for once himself, with a gun in his hand, 'You do not come here pure may roar '.

The longing for arbitrariness corresponds to the arbitrariness of the anti-Zionist enemy explanation. That the hatred of Israel is a natural reaction, spontaneous outrage over the injustice is part of the standard arsenal of anti-Semitic common sense. In reality, should have an Egyptian fellah, an Iranian student, know yourself, a Palestinian day laborers so urgent problems than just the existence of a Jewish state. Is the hatred for Israel in the Middle East, where he welded the masses with their oppressors, an epochal disaster, he is among the country people a doggedly maintained Farce - a farce, to fit the setting up of checkpoints before off-cinema such as the fist on the eye of the viewers.

Who namely this country, preferring instead to the Federal Government, the parents, the clerk in the social welfare office or, why do not suffer Dieter Bohlen to prefer to the policy of the State of Israel, who in Germany is not about Merkel, Lafontaine or displaced, but prepare Netanyahu, Lieberman and the settlers sleepless nights - reveals not his big heart for the oppressed and disenfranchised, but an accompanying disturbance of reality perception. For who not gruesome and vicious in the wants to know the world just as Zionism, in fact, may know the world around him are not around. The anti-Zionist enemy declaration, they also spontaneously into place is nothing but organized experience resistance. to feel oneself

affected by the " crime of Zionismu s " , that is a decision that requires a due degree of emotional energy. Whoever he is, must, in order to maintain his fury, constantly denying the distance to the object of hatred - and instead move to Israel, as close to approaching that he 'Zionists' finally in his backyard can face. What the anti-Zionist, in other words, must do constantly is to be empty and vain I am so and puffing to inflate until it goes directly from Hamburg to Haifa.

nowhere clearer the excessiveness of this conceit, the loss of all proportions in the well grubbiest set, was able to write to the B5. "We commend " is, it wrote in its justification, " performance by Claude Lanzmann in the fight against German fascism. But the example of Otto Schily will recognize any that do not last but for current action the question of where a person stands, the major factor. " The audacity does not start until the second set, in which German Jews left a French top notes give in revolutionary behavior. It is already - or rather, above all - the patronizing gesture with which they attach a Jewish partisans, the B5-Service Cross because he had fought in the Resistance like bravely against the German fascism as Otto Schily in ordinary homes. Some find it in their madness just for Napoleon, some better but for what, and whether the B5 rises above Lanzmann, for him to expose him as a neocon or chummy pat on the shoulder from above, plays little role.

The inflation is also the insane preamble, which the B5 prefixing their pamphlet and the title 'The world revolutionary situation and we' could take. It does it happen that it just so his explanation. "We " with these golden words, it starts off, " we as conscious left hand know " . And how to know the conscious left? From " system of white dominance, which is also of the Holocaust emerged dominant again " ; of " contradictions that are exacerbated " and then, like two sharpened pencils, " sharper clash " . In any case, if your aim is good.

That is what is the price that the desire to pay for unlimited arbitrariness: a language that the height between weltrevolutionärem commander hills and Hinterhofkeilerei be resistant to scream while, to quote the beautiful picture of B5, " shaken by the tilting device " .

Because the arbitrariness has no justification and should not know, it breaks down it every concept of purposeful action. Anti-Zionism à la B5 is nowhere in any overarching rationale more of progress and reaction, of imperialism and anti-imperialism. He is still only for himself. From the policy coordinates in which he once, situate as wrong and crooked However, mere empty words are left, those are unrelated juxtaposed, partout no coherent sense. Babbling of the B5 " imperialist wars, occupation and expulsion " , which are accepted by the Anti-Germans can no longer know exactly what is actually meant: the founding Israeli war, or rather the Potsdam Conference. And if the B5 writes that it would "consolidate maintaining domination [...] " Zionism, , then well, especially in the desperate hope that there could be snapping on the tremolo but still to save what can not be saved.

What remains is no identifiable practice - but identity. Not by chance instead of domination is much talk of culture: from the " " colonial culture " , the " artificial character " , the " cultural export " a " value system " . Was it used to value, today the B5 to real values, one has previously accused the cities of emptying the Trikont economically, today, to deliver to the Trilateral culturally. Not oppression, it is therefore of the B5, but " double standards " , not to liberation but to " open, intensive and continuous work " .

Let no one ever, but they said the right thing, they could not express just right. The Nullschwurbel expresses exactly what's in them, "German inwardness. It goes to people who want everything to be both: noble knights and poor wretches, who can not decide whether to force showing off rant from " disputes " before which they " not run away could and would be " , or rather whine about the fact that " people of anti-German anti-Semites like insulted when criticism is formulated to Israel . Even if it's just a tiny, tiny Kritikchen!

comes to itself the jargon of the persecution of innocent in the invitation of the SoL to her "Why Israel"-performance. An invitation to all it should be, " who are interested in an honest and open-ended discussion to lead us " ; all People of good will, therefore, are willing to suspend the party strife once. And more beautiful than that, what then would it not be able to say Martin Walser. " We think it " , the SoL, writes " important that this film will be shown in a frame in which a democratic and intimidation free to talk climate " - Thus a climate in which no one must fear the raised leg of Auschwitz, because brave Democrats care so that the Zionist soldiers remain outside opinion. If need be, just with Mouth guard and fighting gloves.

If they know no political strategy more, however, and the more effective, the scent of strength and weakness. Exactly which ensures that the left anti-Zionism, the remains of what promises to success: the whispers of philistines, but is not that, do all " open and honest " to resolve the Middle Eastern Jewish question, the non-party, " balanced " , that is compatible national community resentment, anti-Semitism of the noble souls.

Let it be, the B5 also Loser, whose victory in the people's war is just is to have protected her toilet before use by Zionists: That certainly does not mean they were not in a position to its solid contribution to German to make production of ideology. Misery and danger are not contradictory. Behind every Zero, knew Theodor Lessing, lies a Nero.

(speech demonstration against anti-Semitism, 13.12.09)


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